We are known for producing a wide variety of high-quality publications throughout Florida and Southeast Georgia. Since 1996, we have published comprehensive directories, reference and referral guides for the healthcare, senior care, relocation and real estate industries. HPI also partners with multiple medical societies, as well as city, civic and educational organizations.
While our publications receive frequent praise, we realize that delivering exceptional quality products would not be possible without our talented staff. Our skilled group of individuals exemplify the highest degree of professionalism to help you properly market your business in our publications. We are excited for you to get to know us!
In addition to reaching your customers through our publications, we also can help you design and mail a direct mail campaign to your target audience. Heritage Publishing, Inc. maintains a full-service direct mail database using the directory listings in our publications. With thousands of high quality addresses for professionals in the medical field, Heritage Publishing, Inc. has one of the most accurate mailing lists available.
We pride ourselves on offering a diverse variety of publications to meet the needs of each individual community. Heritage Publishing, Inc. works with several commercial organizations, as well as city, civic and educational associations to produce specialized publications to meet niche needs in specific regions.
Read more “Noor Naseemuddin, First Coast Cardiovascular Institute”
We would like to express our appreciation for the Jacksonville Healthcare Guide. The yearly updated names, addresses and phone numbers are a valuable resource both for our business staff as well as our clinicians. Thank you for providing this useful publication!
We are a Home Health Agency as well as a Long Term Care Diversion Program and would use the books to direct our members/patients to the doctors/services they need.
Read more “Barbara Riley, Property Manager, New Hampton Commons Apartments”
This guide is a highly demanded tool for our military families. It has the most up-to-date information about the area.
The Healthcare Guide is an easy-to-use, excellent tool and comprehensive reference source used at all of our locations to assist our patients and providers.
Read more “Dan Doyle, Manager, Omni Financial of Virginia, Inc., Norfolk, VA”
I love the work you and others on the staffs are doing for our community. Health is a vital issue in today’s economy.
It would be most helpful to me to use your Guide to contact the physicians in the area.
Read more “Rob Nelson, CMH, Certified Housing Manager, Naval Station Mayport”
We love to give the First Coast Relocation Guide to our out of town new hires.
U.S. Coast Guard members moving into the area are enabled to locate all the fantastic resources on the First Coast.
The best resource available for information concerning all types of Healthcare Providers.
We use it daily for referring our patients to providers who can help them as well as referencing physicians information.
Read more “Rhonda Carmichael HIM Operations Manager – St. Vincent Medical Center”
Read more “Jacqueline Newton, RN/PAT, Memorial Hospital Jacksonville”
When marketing for our group, I use this frequently and our referral sources refer to your guide consistently as their main source of physician information. Your publication is well worth the money spent and I consider it the best source available for physician information in the area.
Thank you for directing me to your publication’s exceptional Neighborhoods article. We relocated here from NYC by way of Princeton, NJ last year and this map, alone, was probably the single defining reason why I was able to navigate the crazy roads all over this huge “small” town!
Read more “Charles Johnson, Adult Protective Services Operations”
Read more “Jane C. Olmstead, Resident Service Director of Benton House of Brunswick”
Thank you so much for providing a great resource to our service members!
This is the most comprehensive reference source of health care providers in the city!
We redeemed 553 coupons in one month!
We use the guide for provider referrals for our patients and find them very useful.
We would like to express our appreciation for the Jacksonville Healthcare Guide. The updated addresses, names and phone numbers each year are a valuable resource to help professionals with the information necessary to provide continuity of care for patients. Thank you for providing this wonderful and valuable publication.
It has the most comprehensive, useful information in such an easy format to read…
Thank you so much for sending over the senior services directories. My people are so excited to have them available. They are such great sources of information.
We find these extremely helpful in terms of referencing for the correct physician names and addresses for copies of patient reports, as we are medical transcriptionists.
Read more “Deborah Campbell, Property Manager, National Church Residences”
I wanted to thank you for putting together a nice couple of ads for us here at Busch Gardens in 2012. The ads were effective in driving more Military Families to our park here in Williamsburg. We look forward to working with Military Money Saver again in 2013.
I sincerely appreciate your sending us copies. It is a valuable tool for us at Focus!
We find the Healthcare Guides very useful and informative, and are very happy with them.
I have been using your directory for four years and it is not only concise, but very easy to navigate. I especially like the new format of the listings for physicians and surgeons. It is not only easy to locate what I am looking for, but also a good resource for other information as well.
We always include them in our research toolkit.
Our agency deals with abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults, ages 18 and up. The guidebooks are a great resource in locating medical doctors who can assist in determining findings of abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Read more “Bradley Garcia RN, MBA, HealthCare Marketing Solutions”
I have found this publication very helpful in my daily activities. This resource is very easy in researching physicians and with the physicians categorized by specialty, it reduces the time spent researching physicians.
Read more “Gwen Frazier, RN-BC, Eldercare Advocate at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville”
We routinely use the Jacksonville & Northeast Florida Healthcare Guide that you publish when processing patient referrals by our 40 referral specialists. We love this book, it is the most complete and comprehensive reference and resource Healthcare Guide in our region.
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