Senior Services Directory

The “Bible” of the senior industry in our market

These helpful publications are created exclusively for senior citizens, social workers, case managers and senior care givers. Heritage Publishing, Inc. currently has one senior directory, The Jacksonville Senior Services Directory, which is published in partnership with the City of Jacksonville.

This directory provides comprehensive information about senior support services and programs. Each year, our publication is distributed free of charge to seniors, senior caregivers, public libraries, care support centers and senior nutrition centers located throughout the region.

It was a pleasure to speak with the publisher of a wonderful, vital resource for our seniors. I’m sending this to you to request additional copies of your Senior Services Directory. I am an employee of J&J Vision Care working in the Employee Health Center. We are planning to present an event in September called ‘The Silent Caregiver’ which focuses on the caretakers of the elderly and aging. This directory will be well-received and of great help to those employees.​

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